When I was reading Ben Esser’s Dazed blog about Club Zeus in Chelmsford, which happened to be the first club I was allowed into as a baby faced 16 year old, I noticed that he mentioned 'garage is the shittest thing ever'. Now, this is something I would have probably agreed with three years ago; living in Essex, you tend to associate garage music with idiotic women with knee-high boots, bleached blonde hair and an ass-brimming skirt, and men who think that finding out that a woman is a slut makes good ground for an early marriage. But today, what is it that is getting the skinny jeaned, ex-indie chompers onto dancefloors? It's big-beat/garage. Just check any track by Sinden, Herve, Crookers, Boy-8 Bit or check out upstairs at the Vice pub Old Blue Last in Old Street on a Friday night. It's as if today's generation, whose ipods are just as likely to contain Arcade Fire as, say, a bugged out mix by Erol Alkan, have inherited a liking to thick bass lines and repetitive vocals - something that, during their adolescence, they were most probably repelled by. Call it nostalgia, or call it some sort of innate transfusion that took place during the oblivion induced by underage drinking - whatever it is, there's no denying that, today, garage is bigger, better and more appealing than ever. Rather than admit it, we hide our shame by re-naming it “bassline”.
Top five tunes that are garage but we are too afraid to admit are garage:
1) Sinden & Count - Beeper
2) The Count of Monte Cristal – Bounce that Ass
3) South Rakkas Crew – Mad Again (Boy 8-bit remix)
4) Crookers – My Penny
5) Grovesnor – Drive You Car (Bird Peterson remix)

Words: Adam Saville
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