It has without doubt been the scariest of all Halloweens, not just for mothers and children but for stock brokers too. By Adam Saville
Short-sellers, more recently coined ‘speculators’ within the third-rate rags left in scattered piles in London tube stations, stand accused of bringing down the pillars of monetary faith and security that were taken for granted by all of us. Prior to the existence of these demonic schemers, we are told the financial world was safe – children and mothers could sleep in the blissful assurance that the facets of our economy were free from vampiric stock brokers waiting to pounce on their next incapacitated victim, left for dead on the side of the road.
Of course, the monetary system itself is in no way flawed; it is the exceptional greed of a few that has brought down the system, right?
In order to address this issue, it is worth considering a simple analogy. In an anarchic world without rules, how would people behave? Would the day-to-day standards we uphold remain in tact? Would the inherent quality of the human condition prevail to allow us all to live in harmony? I think not.
It’s a shameful admittance, but a realistic one, that human beings are self-motivated; the traditional Darwinist notion, I believe, still rings true. It is for this reason, then, that we have rules, laws, guidelines and, most importantly, morals. If a human being is left to run wild and gratify himself in all the fleeting pleasures that the body or mind will allow without being told otherwise; pain at the expense of others will ensue. These are not new or complicated ideas – they are universal givens.
So what happens when you give absolute freedom to a bunch of vampires? By ‘vampires’, I mean money-motivated slime balls who would step over their own grandmother’s corpse to get their next fix, bonus, tip-off, bond, dividend or whatever you want to call it. Add this to the scenario; the vampire god – the king of the vampire kingdom – says ‘do whatever the FUCK you like’, which can be translated into ‘sell, sell, sell’, 'buy, buy, buy' or any other monetary derivative. In other words, ‘drink as much blood as you possible can because it will make us stronger’.
It doesn’t take much to conclude that, eventually, when this happens people will get hurt – the kingdom, as it were, will be reduced to indescribable chaos; there will be no overall winners and eventually no one will be left directly unaffected by bloodshed or the splatter of severed heads.
Words: Adam Saville
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