I am at work and i haven't done any yet. Even by posting this, i am probably implicating myself in some way. Someone of relative stature within my boutique-style business to business publishers will probably stumble upon on this undiscovered blog and call me in to an unused conference room, slap me on the wrist, and then send me into the kitchen to lethargically operate the plunger on the office caffetiere. I don't even drink coffee - it leaves me with the same effects that most people who use cocaine complain of. Shuddery, achey heart, sore kidneys and a feeling of restlessness - minus the positives of course; I don't become obscenely confident and annoyingly content with the sound of my own voice for example.
While I am writing this, I should be transcribing an interview which featured a balding northerner from some big bank giving me an ass-aching lowdown on his bank's particular services and how they offer the most efficient assistance out there when it comes to getting returns from captive insurance investment strategies despite "market volatility" - so you can see why I have opted to write this excruciatingly tedious and self-absorbed personal rant which no one is ever going to read, with the exception of one or two mates who, even by this point, will have given up out of the sheer boredom of reading this rambling display of self-pity.
For those who are still reading, the reason is I just can't be bothered (pretty unoriginal, I know... have I lost you yet?). While I risk sounding like a pair of adolescent tits, three weeks of thankless tortue have got the better of me. As we drift deeper into recession, it seems it is 'lose your job, or lose the will to live'. Do or die. Kill or be killed. Or any other pointless cliche that describes everything I am trying to say, without really saying anything at all.
Anyways, my ultimate point is, to combat this feeling of absent self-worth I have opted to listen to this song repeatedly until my eyes feel as if they are going to turn into crusty Wotsits set in a bed of dry pot noodles... It really is beautiful.
Beirut - My Night With a Prostitute in Marseille
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